
Sunrises are Transformational

The other night I decided, at 11pm that I was going to drive out to the Bonnevile Salt Flats to 'get away from it all'. A friend and I packed the car and Hobbes happily hopped into the back. A quiet two hour drive later we arrived on the Salt Flats. The moon was so bright there was no need for lamps and we spent the next hour running around the amazing nothingnes.

When it was time to sleep the moon was so bright it almost made it difficult to fall asleep. After only an hour of sleeping the moon had set and I woke up to the vast sky of beautifully sparkling stars. As someone who absolutely misses seeing stars this sight literally took my breath away and almost moved me to tears. Drifting in and out of consciousness I tried to absorb as much of this experience as I could.

Shortly there after I hear "Tina you need to see this". I open my eyes to another beautiful sight, the vibrantly rainbowed skyline spanning as far as the eye can see. The sun was still 40 minutes from cresting the horizon, but damn if it doesn't make an amazing preshow production. I had planned on setting up my tripod and documenting this, but instead I just laid there in awe of the vast beauty I was witnessing. As the next 40 minutes or so flowed by I lay there marveling at how transforming a sunrise can be. There is just something about welcoming the day with such beauty, it's spiritually cleansing.

With that I say get up and watch a sunrise.

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